The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


           An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas


Mailing Address:

   P.O. Box 73

   Carmine TX 78932 

   Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month

   Repeaters: 145.410 (KC5YMJ)

                      444.875   (W5SFA)

1999-00  Officers:

   President, Carl Hickman, K5OWC

   Vice President, Wade Eilers,  W5TEN     

   Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV

   Newsletter Editor, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX

   Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, KK5KX

The SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in becoming members.






VOL. 8, #6 & 7

June-July, 1999



July Meeting 

         The SFARC July meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 28, at the Bellville Restaurant, on the courthouse square, in Bellville.   Dinner will be at 6:30 with business meeting to follow.



May Meeting 

         The May meeting was held on Wednesday, May 26. 


         Members present:


            Rick                    KC5BFU

            George               K5RTP

            Carl                    K5OWC

            Dave                   KK5KX

            Dan                    W5AOV

            Larry                   WB5RTT

            Wade                  W5TEN

            Brian                   KA5BKG


         A brief discussion regarding Field Day preparations was held.



June Meeting 

         The June meeting was held on Wednesday, June 30. 


         Members present:


            Rick                    KC5BFU

            Carl                    K5OWC

            Dave                   KK5KX

            Dan                    W5AOV

            Wade                  W5TEN


         A desultory discussion of the investiture of new SFARC officers (see masthead) was held.  A more lively discussion was conducted recapping the Club’s results from the recently completed ARRL Field Day efforts.


         Due to the recent rains, it was decided at the last moment to shift the Field Day location from Chappell Hill to the home QTH of Dan W5AOV.  When Field Day participants arrived at his house on Saturday AM, Dan had already set up an operating site that was in the shade, and provided for maximum exposure to the available breezes.  He also had emergency power set up and running, so it was a fairly easy matter for those of us providing radio and antenna equipment to get set up.


         The following Club Members operated during this event:


            Rick                    KC5BFU

            Carl                    K5OWC

            Dave                   KK5KX

            Dan                    W5AOV

            Wade                  W5TEN


         This was a low key contest, as far as SFARC was concerned, and we all had a great time, including a great dinner of barbecued chicken with all the fixings, topped off with cobbler and ice cream furnished by Kim (KC5BFU’s XYL).


Attached to this newsletter is a copy of the summary score sheet submitted to ARRL – not a barn-burner, but reflective of about 22 hours of non-stop operation punctuated by food, naps, and lots of great conversation. 


Coming Events:


Austin Summerfest:       8/6 – 8/7



Background Noise:


Have you started using the Internet since the last Newsletter?  If so, please let Dave, KK5KX (e-mail: djenkins@phoenix.net or dfjenkins@equiva.com), have your e-mail address(es).  We now have more than half of the recipients getting their Newsletter via the ‘net – a considerable postage savings (not to mention reduction in folding, enveloping, stamp-sticking, etc.).


Note:  We recently switched to MS Outlook from Eudora Pro 4.x, so we may encounter some bugs in distribution lists, attachment handling, etc.  If you see something awry in your e-mailed Newsletter, please let me know ASAP.








     Call used: W5SFA                                         Location: STX


     Category: Multi-Two Xmtr             Mode:                 Power: 150W


     Callsign of Operator: W5SFA


     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:




     Exchanged Information: W5SFA 2A STX



     Hours of Operation: 22:52



               CW       CW      SSB      SSB      FSK      FSK

     band    QSOs      pts     QSOs      pts     QSOs      pts

     144        0        0        6       12        0        0

      50       37      148       78      156        0        0

      80        8       32        0        0        0        0

      40       72      288        9       18        0        0

      20       94      376       34       68        0        0

      15       33      132        1        2        0        0

      10        1        4        0        0        0        0


     TOTAL    245      980      128      256        0        0    SCORE: 1236



     Club or Team Name: Stephen F. Austin Radio Club











     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for

     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the

     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the

     ARRL Awards Committee.



     Date_________ Signature_____________________________ Call____________



     Name: Stephen F. Austin Radio Club    Call: W5SFA

           Box 111                       

           Kenney, TX  77452