We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves
the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in
Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the Stephen F. Austin Radio Club
(S.F.A.R.C.), herein referred as The Club, and enact this constitution as our
governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information
and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and
individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct Club programs and activities
as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the
Section I ‑ Membership
All persons interested in Amateur Radio shall be
eligible for membership. Membership
shall be by application and election upon such terms as The Club shall provide
in its By‑Laws.
Section 2 ‑ Levels
To Provide Membership to the widest possible group
of applicants, the following division in membership levels will be provided to
those eligible:
Full (voting) Licensed
Amateurs with legal residence in Austin,
or Waller Counties, Texas.
General (non‑voting) Licensed Amateurs
not eligible for Full membership.
Family (voting) Licensed
Amateurs living in the same household
with a Full member (no
additional membership fee).
Honorary (non‑voting) Elected by proclamation
(no membership fee).
Section 3 ‑ Dues
The Club, by a simple majority vote of the eligible
membership, may levy upon the general membership such dues or assessments as
shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization. Non‑payment
of such dues or assessments shall be cause for expulsion from The Club with the
discretion of the membership.
Senior citizens (individuals age 65 and over) will
receive a 10% discount on the membership level of their choice. The fees levied
in the Constitution maybe changed by a simple majority vote of the eligible
members, as deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose of The Club.
Section 4 ‑ Removal
A member may be removed from membership by his own
request or by proclamation. A member's own request for removal shall be
approved by a simple majority vote of the eligible members. A removal
proclamation is in order when a member is inactive in The Club, has had his
Amateur license revoked, or is convicted of a felony. Other proclamations for
removal may also be in order. Removal by proclamation shall require a 2/3
majority vote of eligible members. Additionally, membership shall be revoked
for non‑payment of dues when 90 days has expired from the June 1st
membership fee due date.
Section 5 ‑ Liability
The Club members and officers shall not be held
liable for any activities of other members and officers while they are engaged
in activities in the name of The Club.
Section 1 ‑ Officers
The officers of The Club shall be: President, Vice‑President,
Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2 ‑ Terms
The officers of The Club shall be elected for a term
of one year by ballot of the eligible members. Nominations may be received 'in
writing no later than one week before the Annual Meeting each May or they may
be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Nominated candidates must be
voting members of The Club and they must agree to run for the office for which
they are nominated. Mail ballots will be
sent after the Annual Meeting and results will be announced by mail prior
to the June meeting.
Section 3 ‑ Vacancies
Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled
by special elections at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal,
removal or resignation. The procedure will follow Section 2 above.
Section 4 ‑ Removal
Officers may be removed from office by a 3/4th
majority vote of the eligible members.
Section 5 ‑ Concurrent Offices
The Secretary and 'Treasurer may hold both offices
Section 1 ‑ President
The President shall preside over all meetings of The
Club and conduct them according to the rules adopted. He/She shall enforce due
observance of this Constitution and By‑Laws, resolve all questions of
order, sign all official documents adopted by The Club and perform all other
duties customary to and required of the President. The President shall serve no
more than one consecutive term.
Section 2 ‑ Vice President
The Vice‑President shall all assume all of the
duties of the President in his/her absence. In addition, he/she shall organize
Club activities, plan and recommend Club events, and advance Club interest and
activity as approved by The Club. He/She shall maintain close liaison with the
Section Emergency Coordinator to further Club involvement with the Amateur Radio Public Service Corps.
Section 3 ‑ Secretary
The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the
proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of all members, submit membership
applications, carry on Club correspondence, keep all Club records, read
communications at each meeting, and mail written notices and ballots to
members. At the expiration of his/her term, he/she shall turn over all items
belonging to The Club to his/her successor.
Section 4 ‑ Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all
monies paid to The Club, keep an accurate account of all monies receive and
disbursed, make no expenditures without proper authorization (by The Club or
its officers constituting a business committee). At the end of each calendar
quarter, he/she shall submit an itemized statement of receipts and
disbursements at the next regular Club meeting.
At the end of his/her term,
he/she shall turn over everything in his/her possession belong to The Club to
his/her successor. The Treasurer shall keep Club funds a separate account
(interest bearing, when practical) in the name of The Club All elected officers
of The Club shall be signatories of the account(s) and disbursement of funds
shall require two signatures.
Section 1 ‑ Meetings
The official meetings of The Club shall be held
every fourth Wednesday unless special circumstances preclude. Reasonable
advance written notice containing the exact date, time and major agenda items
shall be extended to the Membership. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern
Section 2 ‑ Club Territory
The Club exists to serve the needs of the Austin,
Fayette and Waller County, Texas, areas. Membership is not limited to these
areas, however, meetings and Club business will ordinarily be conducted within
The Club territory.
This Constitution and its By‑Laws may be
amended by a two thirds majority vote of the eligible members. Proposals for
amendments shall be submitted in writing
by voting
members. Proposed amendments shall be mailed to all voting members, discussed
at the next regular Club meeting and then voted upon after discussion and
amendments are complete.
Article 1 ‑ The Constitution
It shall be the duty of The Secretary of The Club to
keep the Constitution of The Club and have same with him/her at every meeting.
He/She shall note all amendments, changes and additions on the Constitution and
shall permit it to be consulted by members upon request.
Article 2 ‑ Expenditures
Only monies approved for expenditure will be
released by the Treasurer. These expenditures must be for the pursuit of the
constitutionally stated purposes of The Club.
Article 3 ‑ Purpose of The Club
The Club shall devote its activities to the
furtherance of Amateur Radio, to the needs of its members, to fellowship and to
service of the community. The Club shall continually strive to use the talent
and resources of its membership to provide communications for the community in
time of public need or disaster. At no time shall The Club engage in activities
that are outside the FCC rules for Amateur Radio in The United States and the
ethical standards of the Amateur Radio fraternity.
Article 4 ‑ Club Activities
The Club shall not engage in external activities in
the name of The Club without protection of incorporation and/or adequate
liability insurance which covers the officers and members.
Article 5 ‑ Voting Procedure
Election of officers, membership votes,
constitutional votes and actions involving expenditure of significant and non‑budgeted
Club resources shall be made by mail vote of the eligible membership.
Abstentions are counted neither aye nor nay. Routine Club business shall be
handled at regular meetings by a simple majority vote, providing that one third
of the eligible members are present to form a quorum.
Revised 3/24/93