The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.
An Association of Amateur Radio
Operators in the
Mailing Address:
Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month
Repeater: 145.410 (KC5YMJ)
444.875 (W5ALG)
1998-99 Officers:
President, Larry Reese, WB5RTT
Vice President, Carl Hickman, K5OWC
Secretary/Treasurer, Rick Waldrop, KC5BFU
Newsletter Editor , Dave Jenkins, KK5KX
Newsletter Publisher, Wade Eilers, W5TEN
SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in
becoming members.
VOL. 7, #7
July, 1998
July Meeting
The next SFARC
meeting will be held Wednesday, July 29, at the Bellville Restaurant, on the
courthouse square, in Bellville. Dinner
begins at
May Meeting
This Club’s
annual meeting was held on the last Wednesday of May. In accordance with the revised election
provisions of the Club’s constitution, nominations for Club officers for the
coming year were made from the floor at the meeting and the following
individuals agreed to serve as your officers for the coming year:
President Larry
Reese, WB5RTT
Vice-president Carl Hickman, K5OWC
Sec’y/Treasurer Rick Waldrop, KC5BFU
[I agreed to continue with the Club Newsletter chores until
someone else steps forward to take on this duty - any takers? Dave
Jenkins - KK5KX]
June Meeting
Well, I’ll
just say the same thing here that I say to the IRS - “I forgot!” That’s
right, you didn’t lose the June Newsletter, you just
didn’t get one. Nevertheless, there was a meeting, albeit it short and
sparsely attended. One topic of
discussion was whether the Club would field a Field Day team. Because of members’ travel plans, other
commitments, etc. there
was not enough interest, at least among those present, to put together a real
effort - hence SFARC will have not Club entry this year.
Also discussed was the subject of Club memberships. It was tentatively decided to do away with some of the types of membership currently provided for in Section 2 of the Club’s constitution and to modify others. Below is a reprint of the applicable section of the Constitution:
Section 2 - Levels
Provide Membership to the widest possible group of applicants, the following
division in membership levels will be provided to those eligible:
Full (voting) Licensed
Amateurs with legal residence in
General (non-voting) Licensed
Amateurs not eligible for Full membership.
Family (voting) Licensed
Amateurs living in the same household
with a Full member (no additional
membership fee).
Honorary (non-voting) Elected
by proclamation (no fee).
particular, members felt that the limitation on voting privileges to members
living only in Austin, Fayette and Waller counties should be removed, that
perhaps the General and Family membership levels should be deleted, and that
Full memberships should automatically be extended to all amateurs living in the
same household. If you have strong
feelings about these changes, come to the July meeting and make your voice
A brief
discussion was held regarding Newsletter distribution - due to laziness on the
part of your editor, a number of past members who are inactive have continued
to receive this Newsletter. It was
decided that those individuals who have not renewed their SFARC memberships
[translation: “Send in the money!”]
by the end of August would be dropped from the mailing list forthwith.
July 31 - August 1 Austin
Background Noise . . .
Anybody else
started using the Internet in the last 2 months?. The ‘net makes a convenient way for you to
receive this Newsletter in a timely manner, and saves the Club money at the
same time.
If you’ve become an Internet user,
please let Dave, KK5KX (e-mail: djenkins@phoenix.net or jenkidf@texaco.com),
have your e-mail address(es). Also, please indicate whether your mail
service has the capability to receive attached documents.
At least a few
of us will be going to the Austin hamfest next weekend (Saturday) - if you want
to caravan along, or hitch a ride, please give me a call at 409/836-3544.
1998-1999 dues
are due. If you haven’t already done so,
please remit to Rick Waldrop either in person at the next meeting, or at his
home QTH: