The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


           An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas


Mailing Address:

   P.O. Box 73

   Carmine TX 78932 

   Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month

   Repeaters: 145.410 (KC5YMJ)

                      444.875   (W5SFA)


-01  Officers:

   President, Wade Eilers, W5TEN

   Vice President, Brian Gaskamp,  KA5BKG     

   Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV

   Newsletter Editor, Dave Jenkins, K5KX

   Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, K5KX

The SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in becoming members.






VOL. 9, #6

June, 2000



June Meeting 

The next SFARC meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 28 at Sillivan’s Restaurant (Highway 36 between Bellville and Kenney)  If, for some strange and inexplicable reason, the retaurant should be closed, the fallback location will be Manuel’s Mexican Restaurant, in Bellville.  Dinner will be at 6:30 PM, with business meeting to follow. 



Previous Meetings

The May meeting was called to order at 1950 CDT by President Carl Hickman, K5OWC.


The minutes for the last meeting were read and approved.


Old Business:


Members present discussed meeting and constitutional changes.  Dan White’s recent meeting proposal (see May Newsletter) was dropped in favor of modifying the constitution to be able to conduct simple club business with those present at the meetings.  Dave Jenkins, K5KX, was appointed to be chairman of the Constitution re-write committee and Dan White, W5AOV, is to assist.



Field Day will be held in Dan's barn, 12172 FM-949, Cat Spring.  Carl Hickman is in charge of Field Day.  Dave will be in charge of getting the logging software setup.  Please attend and help with setup starting at 0900 on Saturday the 24th.  The event starts at 1200 hours.


New Business:


Wade presented the nominations for next year’s officers.  They were:


                President:                        Wade Eilers, W5TEN

                Vice-president:                Bryan Gaskamp, KA5BKG

                Secretary/Treasurer:       Dan White, W5AOV


Dave Jenkins, K5KX volunteered to remain the newsletter editor.  As there were no other candidates that would accept a nomination from the floor, a unanimous vote was cast to accept the slate as presented.


Wade made a motion to adjourn and Carl Pleasant, W5MPX, seconded.  The meeting was adjourned.


Dues received:  Dave Jenkins and Brian Gaskamp.  We have seven paid members and two life members for this year.  Please send your check for $12 for single and $13 for dual membership to Dan White.


Members present:  Carl and Linda Pleasant, Dave Jenkins, Wade Eilers, Brian Gaskamp, Carl Hickman and Dan White.  This constitutes a quorum of paid voters to conduct business.



Field Day


Field Day 2000 was held at Dan White’s house this past weekend and was successful on many levels.  First, Dan got his new beam built and installed (temporarily) and it was instrumental in our HF efforts.  Carl managed to relocate his entire shack to the Field Day site, and this effort allowed us to operate class 2A.  Dave even managed to brush up his [minimal] CW skills.   The following participated:


               Cameron Mitchell        K5CAM

               Dave Jenkins              K5KX

               Dan White & XYL        W5AOV

               Carl Hickman & XYL    K5OWC


The final scores haven’t been totted up yet, but I’m sure we won’t be at the bottom of the pile…


For those of you with Internet access, the following site has some pictures of this activity:






Coming Events


·        Austin Summerfest 2000 – July 28-29, Hilton Austin North, 6000 Middle Fiskville Road