The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 73

Carmine TX 78932

Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month

Repeaters: 145.410    (W5SFA – PL 100.0)

                     444.875  (W5SFA – PL 103.5)   .


2000-01 Officers:

President, Wade Eilers, W5TEN

Vice President, Brian Gaskamp,  KA5BKG

Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV

Newsletter Editor, Dave Jenkins, K5KX

Newsletter Publisher, Dave Jenkins, K5KX


The SFARC Newsletter is published monthly for members and those interested in becoming members.


VOL. 9, #9

September, 2000


September Meeting 

The next SFARC meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 27 at Sillivan’s Restaurant (Highway 36 between Bellville and Kenney).    Dinner will be at 6:30 PM, with business meeting to follow. 


August Meeting

Wade, W5TEN, called the August SFARC Meeting to order at 1935.   Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved as read.  The Treasurer’s report was presented  - the Club has a balance of $458.75.  There are currently 7 paid members with one life member.  Carl, K5OWC, made a motion to pay the bills for flowers for Harry Pfeiffer’s funeral and for additional lettering on the Club banner/sign.  The motion was seconded by Linda, N5LXG and approved.


Old business:


The letter requesting funding for the antenna, coax and mounting hardware has not been written to the County Judge.  Dan, W5AOV, will get it written and delivered.


New Business:


An October Club BBQ/picnic has been scheduled for the Sunday after the October meeting.  Meeting is 10/25 and the picnic will be 10/29.  Dave, K5KX, will host the gala at his house.  Folks should plan to arrive around mid-afternoon - food will be served around 6:00 PM.


Lyl Pfeiffer, N5GKN, has requested that the club inventory and collect Harry’s radio gear and sell it for her.  Lyl will notify us when we are to do the inventory.  Dan will notify the ARRL of Harry’s death.


Wade will bring the bill from the ARRL for insurance on the repeaters next meeting for the club to pay.


The possible move of the 2M repeater to the Sheriff’s Office tower was discussed.  This location would have the advantage of a controlled environment and generator backup.  In addition, the county would possibly buy the coax and antenna to put on their tower.


Dave will send the coordination renewal letter to amend the call sign for the 2M repeater to W5SFA.


Tom Martin, of the Sealy Lions Club, presented his request for radio operators for the annual Sealy Crossroads Classic bike ride.  We will need six break point operators, eight SAG vehicle operators, one medical vehicle operator, and one net control operator.  Dave, Wade, Carl H., Carl P., Linda P and Dan volunteered for the six break points.


Dues were received from Wade.


Carl’s movement to adjourn was seconded by Wade, and the meeting concluded in time for Dave to catch most of a West Wing rerun.


Recent Events


           Sealy Crossroads Class Bike Ride


The Club supported communications for the Sealy Crossroads Classic bike ride held September 23.  Dan White, W5AOV served as Communications coordinator for the event, and the following manned (or womanned, as the case may be) breakpoints:


·        Dave Jenkins           K5KX

·        Wade Eilers              W5TEN

·        Carl Hickman            K5OWC

·        Carl Pleasant           W5MPX

·        Linda Pleasant         N5LXG

Loading Picture... The morning CrewLoading Picture... The StartHere’s are a couple of pictures of Club members: Dave Jenkins’ breakpoint 2, and Carl, Carl, and Linda with Net Control Dave (WD8RZA) at the Start/Finish location.









Working these events is hard work – if you don’t believe it, just ask Carl (Hickman):


Loading Picture... K5OWCLoading Picture... K5KX















2 Meter Repeater Relocation


Loading Picture... W5SFA 2MIn an effort to improve area coverage of the 2 meter repeater, the machine was relocated to a new Bellville location where it could utilize an antenna about 225’ higher than the previous location.  Wade W5TEN and Dan W5AOV removed the repeater from its previous location at Sonny’s (N5MNL) on September 15th and it was back up by noon on the 16th in its new location.


The early morning commute bunch reports that coverage has indeed improved to the East but remains the same to the West and North of West (probably due to tower shadow).  If you’re a user of this machine, you’ll probably notice that the ID has been changed to reflect the fact that SFARC has now assumed responsibility for the system.


Here’s a picture of the work crew reinstalling the repeater in its new home:






Coming Events


·        Louisiana QSO Party:                                     September 30 

·        Texas QSO Party:                                           September 30 – October 1

·        Belton Hamfest                                                October 7

·        2nd Annual SFARC Picnic and Barbecue:       October 29